In my theoretical and art praxis i am engaged with the act of creating as “Mysterium tremendum et fascinans” (R. Otto). As something that simultaneously generates attraction and fear since it portrays the invisible, the uncreated (“aktiston”) as a desecrated construct.
My visual work symbolizes and de-symbolizes, de-divinizes and unfixes, consecrates and desecrates the experience of profanity and sacred in a secular reality. I am fascinated by the concept of religious behavior and the metamorphosis of religious language and symbols into visual experience in the context of a disenchanted world
My thesis research is entitled ”Multiple visual interpretations of religiosity and the sacred. Cases of krypto-religious art in the Greek visual art sphere”.The research is conducted across an array of fields, art, theology and anthropology, aiming at fresh depictions and conceptualisations of the notions of religiosity, sacredness and sacrilegiousness in a disenchanted world.
The main problematic is focusing on the notion of “kryptoreligious behaviour” in a secularised social framework; consequently, “kryptoreligious art” is defined and delineated by use of examples drawn from the international visual arts scene.